Implementing assessment tool which measures depression, anxiety and stress in an Outpatient Mental health Private Practice

Rewrite on clean form transfer information over and the words in red is what needs to be fix or edit and recommendations you can turn the recommendations black. Where a questions is asked clarify what’s being asked and take the question out

make sure to include stress depression and anxiety

HLC Accreditation Evidence Document Herzing University


September 2022





Title: Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Quality Improvement or Innovation Project Approval



Herzing University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews all student quality improvement or innovation project protocol requests to determine if it is human subject research that meets definitions in The Common Rule and therefore requires review and oversight by the IRB. It is the investigator’s responsibility to give complete information regarding the planned quality improvement processes. After submitting the application, the IRB will notify the applicant, in writing, of its decision or if additional information is needed.




Please make sure to submit the following items along with this application for your submission:


· This application with signatures from you and your DNP Project Faculty


· A copy of all questionnaires and surveys, if used


· A copy of your CITI Certification (free certification for Herzing affiliates through Canvas)


· A copy of the application and approval letter from any external IRB ( if applicable)


· Letter of approval from the Program Chair of the affiliated institution ( if applicable)

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Quality Improvement or Innovation Project Approval









Step 1: Your Information


Project Title:  
Doctorate Student Name:  
Check One: · Herzing University Student

· Student not affiliated with Herzing University – list institution this project is affiliated with: __________________________________


Primary Phone Number:  



Step 2: Location, Faculty, and Date Information



Faculty Information:

Faculty Name:
  Faculty Email:
  Faculty Phone:
Anticipated Start Date:  
Anticipated Completion





Step 3: Aim Statement Overview

Aim Statement

Key elements of the aim statement needed to be included:

1. What? What’s the problem or opportunity? 2. How much? By how much will you improve? Or “how good” do you want to get? 3. By when? What is the date by which you will achieve the level of improvement you’ve set out to accomplish? 4. For whom? Who is the customer or population who will benefit from the improvement? 5. Where? What are the boundaries of the process or system you’re trying to improve? Where does it begin and end?













Project Overview

Please provide a summary of the proposed quality improvement or innovation project including the purpose, proposed strategy to be utilized, proposed project measures that will be utilized to evaluate outcomes, and the anticipated/desired outcomes.











QI Framework

Please provide an overview of the framework that will be utilized in the proposed project (e.g. KTA, PDSA, ADKAR, Lean, Six Sigma, DMAIC, etc.).

































Data Security

Please provide a description of your data security plan for both physical and electronic data that includes protected or identifying personal information. Include where the data will be stored, the security of the location or computer system, the length of retention of the data, and the method of disposition of old data.













































Step 4: Acknowledgement of Responsibilities and Signatures


Please note that:

· Any data collected from Herzing University students, alumni, faculty and/or staff and/or any other constituents for purposes of this project is proprietary. Any publication of findings may not identify or implicate Herzing University. Any external report produced on findings generated by this study, including any presentation or publication, may not identify, reference or implicate Herzing University in any way.

· Upon completion of the project, a copy of the final deliverable will be submitted to Herzing University.

· Any additional publications or presentations produced based upon this project will be submitted to Herzing University.



I certify to the best of my knowledge the information presented is an accurate reflection of the proposed research project.



Doctorate Student Signature: Date:


DNP Project Faculty Signature: Date:

Title: Implementing assessment tool which measures depression, anxiety and stress in an Outpatient Mental health Private Practice

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Quality Improvement or Innovation Project Approval

Herzing University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews all student quality improvement or innovation project protocol requests to determine if it is human subject research that meets definitions in The Common Rule and therefore requires review and oversight by the IRB. It is the investigator’s responsibility to give complete information regarding the planned quality improvement processes. After submitting the application, the IRB will notify the applicant, in writing, of its decision or if additional information is needed.


Please make sure to submit the following items along with this application for your submission:

☐ This application with signatures from you and your DNP Project Faculty

☐ A copy of all questionnaires and surveys, if used

☐ A copy of your CITI Certification (free certification for Herzing affiliates through Canvas)

☐ A copy of the application and approval letter from any external IRB ( if applicable)

☐ Letter of approval from the Program Chair of the affiliated institution ( if applicable)

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Quality Improvement or Innovation Project Approval

Step 1: Your Information

Project Title: Implementing an evidenced based scale that measures depression, anxiety and stress in an outpatient mental health private practice.
Doctorate Student Name: Ramona Wilkerson
Check One: X Herzing University Student

☐ Student not affiliated with Herzing University – list institution this project is affiliated with:

Primary Phone Number: 201-706-1511

Step 2: Location, Faculty, and Date Information

Location/Sponsor: Wilkerson & Company LLC- Danielle Weitzer
Faculty Information: Faculty Name: Colleen Bartlett
  Faculty Phone:


Anticipated Start Date: 6–17-24
Anticipated Completion Date: 8-17-24

Step 3: Aim Statement Overview

Aim Statement

Aim Statement

Key elements of the aim statement needed to be included:

1. What? What’s the problem or opportunity? 2. How much? By how much will you improve? Or

“how good” do you want to get? 3. By when? What is the date by which you will achieve the level of improvement you’ve set out to accomplish? 4. For whom? Who is the customer or population who will benefit from the improvement? 5. Where? What are the boundaries of the process or system you’re trying to improve? Where does it begin and end?

Over the course of 8 12 weeks, an evidence-based screening tool – the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS21) – will be implemented in an established private mental health practice the project practice setting aimed at evaluating stress prevalence and offering identifying patients for whom psychotherapy stress remedies are appropriate for inclusion in the patient’s treatment plan to improve patient outcomes related to their mental health diagnoses.


I have questions . . .


If you are only interested in evaluating for ‘stress’ then are you only administering the stress scale questions or are you planning on administering all 3 scales?


On the DASS21 FAQ’s page I don’t see the interpretation of scores information, did you purchase the Manual to review the score interpretations?



Project Overview

Please provide a summary of the proposed quality improvement or innovation project including the purpose, proposed strategy to be utilized, proposed project measures that will be utilized to evaluate outcomes, and the anticipated/desired outcomes.


Stress as a concept is widely discussed and known to be the major factor affecting mental health globally (WHO, 2019). Stress is detrimental to the individual’s overall well-being and can lead to certain mental disorders like depression and anxiety disorders (WHO, 2022). Chronic stress can worsen symptoms in patients that are diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. (American Psychiatry Association [APA], 2022).


As the owner and a provider in of an outpatient psychiatric clinic it has been noted that stress is a common theme with the DNP student’s patients. Research has shown that patients that have stress ranging from moderate to severe during clinical evaluation have higher chances of being diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorders (Smith, 2023).

Research has shown that the questions outlined in the DASS21 are effective in identifying depression, anxiety, and stress in patients (Smith, J. 2023).


The purpose of this project is to implement the use of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS21) in an established private mental health practice aimed at evaluating stress prevalence and offering psychotherapy stress remedies to improve patient outcomes related to their mental health diagnoses. When implemented into practice, the project involves the identification and management of stress-illness, with the intention of optimizing the patient’s overall health outcomes about their mental health diagnoses.


Process measures will be utilized to evaluate the project outcomes.


The first process includes evaluating the percentage of patients identified for whom the DASS21 scale was implemented during their visit to the outpatient clinic.


The second process measure will evaluate the percentage of patients that received psychotherapeutic interventions for stress management compared to the percentage of patients for whom DASS21 demonstrated the need for individualized psychotherapy psychotherapeutic interventions for stress management was appropriate remedies.


Process evaluations will also include a narrative discussion of the feedback provided by the DNP student and medical director about the implementation of DASS21. The discussion will include the level of satisfaction and workflow related to the administration of the tool.


The last outcome measure will be to re-evaluate patients’ depression, anxiety, and stress levels using the DASS21 at their 4 week follow up appointments. (Beaufort, et al., 2017). Same question as previously posed – If you are only interested in evaluating for ‘stress’ then are you only administering the stress scale questions or are you planning on administering all 3 scales?


The predicted outcome is that the implementation of DASS21 will identify patients with worsening depression, anxiety, and stress (so in order to discern ‘worsening you would need to administer the DASS21 and get a baseline score for each of the 3 subscales and then re-administer it after a series of psychotherapy sessions, is that what you are planning on doing? This is why an 8 week intervention is not adequate.) to provide them with timely psychotherapy stress remedies. This will support a reduction in stress levels, improved mental health, and increased patient satisfaction.



These references support incorporating an evidence-based stress scale in a private mental health practice. What is missing from this reference list are references that demonstrate the development and validation of the DASS-21 form.



World Health Organization. (2022). World mental health report: Transforming mental health for all.

American Psychological Association. (2022). Stress in America.


Beaufort, I. N., De Weert-Van Oene, G. H., Buwalda, V. A., De Leeuw, J. R. J., & Goudriaan, A. E. (2017). The depression, anxiety and stress scale (DASS-21) as a screener for depression in substance use disorder inpatients: a pilot study.  European addiction research,  23(5), 260-268.


Halford, W. K., & Frost, A. D. (2021). Depression anxiety stress scale-10: A brief measure for routine psychotherapy outcome and progress assessment.  Behavior Change,  38(4), 221-234.


Ali, A. M., Hori, H., Kim, Y., & Kunugi, H. (2022). The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 8-items expresses robust psychometric properties as an ideal shorter version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21 among healthy respondents from three continents.  Frontiers in psychology,  13, 799769.


World Health Organization. (2019). Mental health: Strengthening our response. Retrieved from


Smith, J. (2023). The impact of stress on clinical evaluations and diagnoses of depression and anxiety disorders. Journal of Mental Health Studies, 45(3), 210-223.



QI Framework

Please provide an overview of the framework that will be utilized in the proposed project (e.g. KTA, PDSA, ADKAR, Lean, Six Sigma, DMAIC, etc.).



The PDSA framework will be used for this project.


The project will be conducted over 8 12 weeks.


The DNP student will serve as the implementation leader. The only other team member will be the medical director of the practice.


The focus is on all patients who present with a mental health diagnoses and range in age from 18-65.


The predicted outcome is that the implementation of DASS21 will identify patients with worsening depression, anxiety, and stress (see prior comment about discerning ‘worsening’) to provide them with timely psychotherapy stress remedies. This will support a reduction in stress levels, improved mental health, and increased patient satisfaction.


As previously indicated, two process measures and a narrative overview will be utilized to evaluate the projects’ outcome of individualized psychotherapy stress remedies with the data from the DASS21.


The completed DASS21 will be collected by the DNP student and reviewed to determine individualized care plans.


Permission to utilize DASS21 is not required as it is a public domain. Copies of the tool will be printed and readily available for use with patients that come in for their mental health appointments.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Quality Improvement or Innovation Project Approval



Data Security

Please provide a description of your data security plan for both physical and electronic data that

includes protected or identifying personal information. Include where the data will be stored, the

security of the location or computer system, the length of retention of the data, and the method

of disposition of old data.

The list of patients that are seen by the DNP student will be kept in the students locked protected file on hard drive.


The data collected as part of the project will not include any protected or identified personal information.


The DNP student has developed a checklist to monitor and record the number of patients for whom DASS21 was implemented.


Additionally, the DNP student has developed a tracking sheet to determine the number of patients for whom the DASS21 Indicated a need for psychotherapy stress remedies and the number in which this was appropriately appropriated executed.



Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Quality Improvement or Innovation Project ApprovalStep 4: Acknowledgement of Responsibilities and Signatures

Please note that:

· Any data collected from Herzing University students, alumni, faculty and/or staff and/or any other constituents for purposes of this project is proprietary. Any publication of findings may not identify or implicate Herzing University. Any external report produced on findings generated by this study, including any presentation or publication, may not identify, reference or implicate Herzing University in any way.

· Upon completion of the project, a copy of the final deliverable will be submitted to Herzing University.

· Any additional publications or presentations produced based upon this project will be submitted to Herzing University.

I certify to the best of my knowledge the information presented is an accurate reflection of the proposed research project.

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